Monday, May 18, 2009

Graphic Tees.

Herd. Listen up! It is time to stop with your lame sauce graphic tees. I'm not saying graphic tees are bad but certain subject matter is just tacky/lame/unflattering/make you look like a fool. I apologize but it had to be said. Can we please try and avoid the following:
  • witty phrases/graphics
  • beer/drinking related
  • the 'Doughtry' Tee (named for the terrible musical group/artist Doughtry) aka the Tees with way to much random crap on them...lions/velvet/metallic/dramatic words/phrases (Avoid Ed Hardy Tees)
  • ill fitting/stained/unflattering tees
Instead, try and look for more artistic graphics, finer fabrics and things that don't give off a 'douche' vibe. One of my favorite resources to find such T-shirts is:
Threadless is inexpensive and sells limited edition artist-created tees. You can also submit your designs to the site!

Wear graphic tees just avoid the common mistakes made by the herd.

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